I, of mine own free will and in good faith, and with the capacity to contract, hereby enter into this membership agreement with BALD EAGLE PUB, and further; I hereby accept and acknowledge that there is a registration membership fee of 15.00 USD, plus a monthly fee; however further understand that the currency exchanged is given under variation by agreement under International law wherein the currency itself does not create third party obligations against this membership agreement.


 I willingly agree to abide by the BALD EAGLE PUB constitution and BALD EAGLE PUB by-laws as they are adopted when acting in the capacity of member and further understand that any by-laws adopted shall be adopted for the benefit of the membership and BALD EAGLE PUB, mutually and collectively, and

Non-Disclosure Agreement: I am in full understanding that information that is obtained and/or learned is under non-disclosure in accordance with Article V of the By-Laws wherein any information is not to be shared with any one person or entity outside of BALD EAGLE PUB without written consent of BALD EAGLE PUB Trustee. I affirm that I may not be questioned or coerced by any outside agency to obtain information in the aforementioned Private Membership Association, and

Voluntary Disclosure: In the event that information is voluntarily disclosed to a non-member, a 20 million dollar fine is hereby attached to said voluntary disclosure, and

Involuntary Disclosure: In the event coercion has taken place by any agent, officer or other body for the purpose of extracting information used for any purpose against BALD EAGLE PUB, the member’s liability transfers to the agent or officer of up to 20 million in fines and penalties lodged against the member, and

Security of BALD EAGLE PUB: I affirm that I am not acting as a representative/agent or in any capacity officially for any City, Parish, State, or Federal agency solely attempting to investigate BALD EAGLE PUB and its members, and further; affirm I am requesting membership solely for the social benefits of being associated with other likeminded members and to assemble within a safe and comfortable environment, and

Age Restriction: I understand that members must be at least 21 years of age if the member chooses to drink alcohol, and

Alcoholism: I understand that it is not the intention of BALD EAGLE PUB not to contribute to the disease of alcoholism and does recommend that all members that have a drinking problem or is an alcoholic immediately start a counseling program like Alcoholics Anonymous or other program, and

Drinking and Driving: I agree that I will not drink and drive therefore all members agree to give up their keys, have a designated driver or agree to take an UBER or Taxi home for the safety of the community at large, and Drug Use or other nefarious acts: I understand that BALD EAGLE PUB is a family oriented Private Membership Association and illegal drug use, prostitution, drug dealing, illegal weapons, or any other illegal activity is strictly forbidden within BALD EAGLE PUB, and

Code of Conduct:  I agree to the following code of conduct:

Conduct toward others: I will extend kindness to all others, even when they don’t extend it to me. I will take action to help a person in need if I see their need and am capable of making the situation better. I will respect differences of opinion by acknowledging the other person’s stance and not pushing their acceptance of mine. Conduct in Difficult Situations In a violent situation, I will only retaliate with violence if I am unable to call for or get to help. If a disagreement turns into a negative argument, I will walk away from the situation. Agreed upon by both parties by mutual consent on the

This is a 1-Year Membership for the Bald Eagle Pub, PMA
